Following the tragic events that occurred at the Astroworld Festival, the FBI is joining Harris County and City of Houston in a criminal investigation. In the wake of Travis Scott’s Astroworld Music Festival at NR...
Mi Casa Nomad es su Casa Nomad. Hip new market, M-K-T Heights, is ready to welcome a new tenet on the grounds of their mixed-use space. Casa Nomad – a Tulum-inspired Mexican patio and restaurant – is now open with tropi...
A drive-thru runs through it. Celebrating its 85th anniversary, Houston-born doughnut and coffeehouse franchise, Shipley Do-Nuts, has broken ground on a new, state-of-the-art, 60,000-square-foot corporate headquarters f...
Obligatory everything-is-bigger-in-Texas joke. In an effort to spread the bright, yellow message of kindness, the Kindness Duck Project is floating a skyscraper-sized, 30,000-pound, rubber duck into Texas this weekend....
Heads will roll. Billed as “the largest indoor/outdoor space of its kind in the city”, Sekai Night and Day is slated to elevate East Downtown’s nightlife with top notch DJs, dancing, lounging, and priv...
Second Draught is the latest tenant to be announced by the coming community and cultural hub, The Ion. On the heels of the long-awaited opening of The Post this November comes another Houston hub. The Ion, anchoring a 1...
Head down to Discovery Green to see the beautiful installation. Ahead of the spectacular Día de los Muertos festival taking place in Houston this November, Discovery Green is featuring a vivid installation of 10 painted...
The Emmy award-winning series will test its new batch of culinary talent in the Bayou City. Not that Houston’s culinary scene needed the validation, but when the hit TV series Top Chef selected Space City to film...
In honor of Halloween season, we’re re-rolling the tape of one of our favorite spooky incidents over the years. On the doorstep of Tropical Storm Nicholas in 2021, a man dressed up as horror movie icon, Michael My...
Telosa seeks to combine the best of cities around the world in one sustainable metropolis, forging a blueprint for the future. Back in March, tech guru, Tesla CEO, and space cadet, Elon Musk, filed paperwork to create a...