Feast your eyes on a Mosaic of Light.
Discovery Green has unveiled its new large-scale art installation today along the Brown Promenade as an immersive, Houston-inspired experience. [Featured image: @discoverygreen]
The installation is a piece by HYBYCOZO, a design studio headed by Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk. Their artwork involves intricately detailed, laser-cut geometric shapes creating dazzling patterns of light and shadow. Earlier this year, the studio along with Discovery Green asked Houstonians the question: What shapes evoke Houston?
“Do you imagine the downtown skyline or the outline of a grackle? Do you think of the steel beams of the Astrodome or a garden full of azaleas?”
In short: “What does Houston look like to you?”
The organization wrote that the responses they received ranged from SLABs, to freeways, and grackles. Ultimately, HYBYCOZO went with geometric interpretations of the city’s architecture, magnolias, the Mexican art of papel picado, and the Texas star.
From now until February 27, you can experience those very shapes at Mosaic of Light.
“A mosaic consists of a combination of diverse elements that make a coherent whole,” writes Discovery Green on its website. “We can’t think of a better metaphor for Houston.”
Mosaic of Light is now open along Brown Promenade in Discovery Green.
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