Friday Night Live Concerts will return to Houston’s iconic downtown park on June 25.
As we turn the corner into June so do things start heating up in Houston with hot summer events. After bringing back their outdoor movie series, Discovery Green has announced that it will also reprise its Friday Night Live Concerts later this June. [Featured image: @discoverygreen]
The summer series will start with a dancy set from local indie-pop duo, Say Girl Say with Genesis Blu at 6:30 pm on Friday, June 25. Other concerts scheduled for the summer include Bayou City Funk on July 23 and Swimwear Department on August 27 with other bands to be announced in the meantime.
The organization announced that it will also be marking social distancing circles on the green for the concerts.
Discovery Green plans to put on a variety of other shows and events this spring and summer that include showcasing Houston’s Grand Opera, Fitness in the Park, and an International Sports Film Festival. For a full list of events and detailed schedule, visit their website here.
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