We heard you loud and clear.
While Houstonians aren’t afraid to speak their mind, there’s plenty of things that simply would never be uttered by a local. In good fun, we put to you, our grateful followers, what some such expressions, observations, and statements would be. To our delight, you responded with an abundance of examples not withstanding that H-town humor we so love. Here, we share with you now our favorite examples of things that Houstonians would never say:
1. “I’ll slow down so you can go ahead of me.”
2. “Sure, I can get there in 15 minutes.”
3. “‘What a burger’ (We all know it’s Waterburger).”
4. “The Texans are finally Super Bowl Champs.”
5. “It feels great outside.”
6. “Traffic was light – made it here early.”
7. “Should we walk there?”
8. “610 through The Galleria is the fastest route.”
9. “But it’s a dry heat…”
10. “This humidity does wonders for my skin!”
11. “That road construction is done now.”
12. “Gee-golly, I’m driving too slow to be in this left-hand lane, let me move over to the right.”
13. “Such lovely weather this July.”
14. “Our weather is just like California!”
15. “There’s too much Mexican food around here.”
16. “We agree with the overwhelming and undeniable evidence that the Astros did cheat to win the World Series!”
17. “OMG, so many hills in Houston!”
18. “Cooey – Ken – doll.”
19. “The air smells so fresh!”
20. “610 through The Galleria is the fastest route.”
See also: Houston Is Officially The Rudest City In Texas Cites New Survey