Chris Williams and the crew at Lucille’s have embraced the spirit of giving back this Thanksgiving.
Lucille’s restaurant in Houston’s Museum District is home to some of the city’s finest southern cuisine. It’s also home to some of the city’s finest citizens. This year, Executive Chef, Chris Williams, and his team, prepared 5,000 free meals for families in need. [Featured image: @jennduncanphoto]
Thanksgiving is the time of year to count your blessings. At the tail end of 2020, a year plagued with a pandemic – that which cost many lives and incited an large-scale economic fallout – it’s crucial for those still in ample means to reflect on their good fortune when so many are struggling.
One has to think that this idea isn’t lost on the crew at Lucille’s in Houston. Yesterday, Williams and his team, spent the afternoon preparing 5,000 hot meals and giving them away to residents in historic Third Ward and Acres Homes communities.
Williams said that the program is intended for elderly citizens living in impoverished communities, as those residents have been cut off from their families and forced to “fend for themselves.”
“It’s necessary work,” Williams said to Abc13. “The immediate reward that we got from this is when you see the person that’s receiving the meal and you see the look on their face. People think food’s not a big deal, but it’s everything.”
Back in summer, Lucille’s launched a program benefitting hospitality in which the restaurant would host a local bar on its patio Thursday nights. At the end of the night, the featured bar would receive all tips and funds from sales. Chef Chris started Lucille’s 1913 during the pandemic, a conscious community collective that works to provide meals to in need families.
Lucille’s will be hosting a special Black Friday Brunch the day after Thanksgiving starting at 10 am. Reservations required.