The high fantasy world created by JRR Tolkien in his beloved Hobbit novel and Lord of the Rings trilogy in the mid 20th century continues to enchant the masses to this day. Beyond having second breakfast at the Hobbit Cafe, experiencing the lifestyle of a Hobbit is hard to come by here in Houston. If you want to embrace the lifestyle to its fullest, take your steeds out to McKinney, Texas for a stay at the Hobbit House.
Located 4 hours or so outside of Houston, the Hobbit House in McKinney is planted among a variety of restaurants, retailers, and the Allen outlets mall. Unlike its suburban neighbors, the Hobbit House offers an enchanting escape into a different time.
Made in painstaking detail, the Hobbit House features handmade, custom flourishes such as the round door, round bed, as well as custom shelving, decorated trellis entrance, patio, and landscaping.
Included is this detail – and the page makes a clear warning to Gandalf – is the home’s small ceilings. While most of the ceiling height ranges around the 6-foot mark, in some spaces the slanted ceilings can sink down to as low as 5’6″. Of course, this means that the space can feel a little snug for some. As such, the Air BnB only permits up to two guests for a stay, no pets permitted.
The cozy space also includes a king-sized bed, gorgeous wooded floors and furniture, a stone-spotted bathroom complete with tub, as well as floral aspects throughout the home.
While February is completely booked at the time of this article, there is presently availability in the month of March. For a single night, a stay is priced at $231 (fees included) for a couple.